I managed to go into Companion knowing nothing about it. The trailers made it look like exactly my kind of over-the-top, and I figured there was a speculative element. I’m delighted to report that it’s fun and dark and supremely messed up—and a perfect bitter antidote to Valentine’s Day if you need that.
And that’s almost all I’m going to report because I don’t want to spoil anything!
If you want to go in completely cold, which I would recommend: A young couple goes to a rich friend’s country house for a weekend. Darkly funny, violent hijinks ensue. Writer-director Drew Hancock gives us some interesting subversions and tangents, but also allows the story to play out without feeling cluttered. People actually act like people, and each new plot twist is given plenty of room to breathe; I always felt like I could trust the storyteller. The soundtrack is full of syrupy love songs that act as a perfect counterpoint to all the dark stuff. The cast are all fabulous. Sophie Thatcher has to walk a very specific tightrope as Iris and does it perfectly. Jack Quaid’s Josh gets a nice twisty character arc, and he looks like he’s having a blast. Harvey Guillén is delightful as Eli, and Lukas Gage (the best part of the underrated Dead Boy Detectives), gets a much more layered role here and knocks it out of the park. Megan Suri and Rupert Friend don’t get quite as much to do as Kat and Sergey, the trophy-girlfriend and rich Russian/possible mobster who are hosting the weekend, but they’re both excellent nonetheless. And I think Jaboukie Young-White should be in literally everything.
And from here I start spoiling, so get outta here until you’ve seen it!
Fine, if you want to know a little more: In a near-future America where robotics have progressed much further than they have in our reality, a couples’ weekend becomes a platform to muse on the nature of love, consciousness, and the deep streak of misogyny that lies just beneath the surface of many seemingly happy relationships between men and women.
I mean it now, get outta here!
OK, everyone else—I assume you’ve either seen it, don’t mind being spoiled, or for some reason are reading this even though you have no interest in this movie. Weird, but sure, welcome.

And now I can say that I really appreciate how this film deals with the idea of fuckbots.
To be fair, in the world of Companion, the human-shaped companions that Empathix sells are meant to be seen as “emotional support robots”—but I get the sense that no one actually calls them that. As the story rolls along, it becomes increasingly clear that a lot of people enjoy treating them terribly, whether despite of or because of the fact that the robots aren’t booted up knowing they’re robots—they’re programmed to feel physical pain and emotion and, as far as they can tell, they have free will.
After all, they don’t know they’re being shut off whenever they’re inconvenient, or that the overwhelming love they feel for their partners has been programmed in by their creators back at the lab, and can be dialed up or down according to the whims of people who actually own them.
Where I think Companion does something really cool is that the film doesn’t just say that Iris is a sexbot. The movie doesn’t open with her being delivered to Josh in a human-sized box, or show us the Empathix factory assembly line, or any of the other obvious choices. Instead it opens on a great, and retroactively chilling “meet-cute”, one that could be in any romcom—of course it’s a banal situation where Josh does something embarrassing, putting himself in the position of hapless nerd in front of an impossibly pretty, cool girl, who finds his awkwardness charming instead of annoying. She chooses him because he’s awkward.
But it isn’t real. He chose this meeting from a drop-down menu, because this is how he wants to think of himself. Hapless, charming, quirky. Just waiting for the girl who will see him for who he is.
And Iris has never been allowed to make a choice in her life.

Rather than just a basic critique of toxic masculinity, I think the film (much like Thatcher’s earlier film Heretic) adds a lot more layers as it goes.
Kat manipulates the whole situation for a while, and is only too happy to use everyone and lie to everyone to get what she wants. Sergey is only too happy to take advantage of a robot who seems to believe it has free will, even though every indication is that the robot, who does not know it’s a robot, will take that really badly. Eli would rather keep Patrick for years past his model’s prime, and maybe even fall in love with a robot that he can shut down at any time, rather than do the possibly more difficult work of creating a relationship with another living human. Josh being awful is an obvious path, but Jack Quaid wrings every drop of sociopathy out of the character after he turns on Iris. It’s all too easy to see him doing this shit to a “real” woman—because Iris, as she tells him repeatedly, experiences emotions and pain and genuinely never suspected she was a robot. Knowing that, Josh dives all the way into gleeful exploitation and cruelty.
And of course, in the end, even after everything he’s put her through, Josh is right when he says Iris won’t shoot him. He’s too bound up in her synapses, whether those synapses are in human brain meat or in the wiring inside her torso. Against all logic, she lets him get the upper hand one last time because she believes in the love she had for him, and only acts, finally, in self-defense.
The film does a fabulous job of allowing its two robots to be true believers when it comes to love, while also repeatedly hammering home the reality that they can be switched off or reprogrammed at any moment. Iris cranks her intelligence up at one point, but she doesn’t also magically gain superstrength or telepathy or any other powers that would make her invulnerable. She is always, always, vulnerable.

Patrick is the one who gets to die for love, but only after he’s reprogrammed to love Josh instead of Eli, and further turned into a legit killing machine. What we know of Patrick shows us that he’d be horrified by all of that—but is that only a result of the programming Eli gave him in the first place? When he finally remembers Eli, it’s not because Iris hacks into his mainframe; she simply reminds him of a conversation he and Eli had earlier. Once he remembers it, it seems to disrupt the implanted memories of Josh; his response is to short circuit himself with a taser.
Whatever else this film does, all the fun twists and reveals, I respect the hell out of it for letting a fuckbot die for love.
Here’s my dream: The youth pair this with The Substance or maybe Thatcher’s own Heretic for the sleepover double features of tomorrow. That this kind of fun-but-also-thoughtful speculative filmmaking can be the norm, and make money at the box office, and maybe occasionally win an award or two, and gently poke at people’s assumptions while remaining entertaining as hell.
What I love is when works of art do things they don’t really have to do. This could have been a simple story about a woman who finds out she’s a robot that’s been subject to a man’s whims, gets control of herself, cranks her intelligence and strength up, and wreaks vengeance. She could have paired up with the other robot to Kill All Humans. It could have been a shallow story about toxic masculinity. Instead, Companion takes its characters seriously. It lets Eli give a heartfelt declaration of love to Patrick—because who even knows what love really is? Why can’t Eli love a robot? Who says Patrick can’t love him back? If Patrick and Iris both feel love for their partners, who is anyone else to say that they’re wrong—to dictate what emotions are, or to say that theirs don’t count? From everything we see in Companion, when presented with the truth about their natures, Iris and Patrick both make their own decisions the same as any human would. Patrick chooses death rather than a life without Eli; Iris, after admitting to herself that Josh is inextricably bound into her mind, chooses to kill him and chart her own path.
Companion isn’t interested in passing judgment on its robots, or telling them what they “really” are—it’s much more interested in asking us what we think we are.
Congratulations to the winners! But I did notice onr thing: Lois Bujold is 2/2 on the Best Series. But I think she’s out of series. So I wonder who will win next year.
I have crunched the numbers here.
Closest result of the night was Best Editor Short Form – Lynne M. Thomas and Michael D. Thomas finished just 6 votes ahead of Sheila Williams.
Most crushing victory was File 770 for Best Fanzine, 20 votes short of a first-count win, easily getting there on the second count.
Missed being on the final ballot by a single nominating vote:
Archive of Our Own (Best Related), would have replaced Sleeping with Monsters;
C.C. Finlay (Best Editor, Short Form), would have replaced Sheila Williams;
Yuko Shimizu (Best Professional Artist), would have replaced Kathleen Jennings;
Black Gate (Best Fanzine), would have replaced Rocket Stack Rank.
Declined nomination:
Best Series – The Broken Earth (N.K. Jemisin);
Best Editor Long Form – Liz Gorinsky;
Best Professional Artist – Julie Dillon;
Best Fancast – Tea and Jeopardy
For Best Series, N.K. Jemisin declined for The Broken Earth;
the following were ruled ineligible, due to not having added enough to the series since last year:
The Expanse,
The Craft Sequence,
the October Daye books
@1 – Don’t forget Sharing Knife, which is pretty nifty too.
Congrats to all of the authors and to Tor, who had another strong year.
Aha. Jemisin declined. That explains a lot, as I couldn’t figure out how the heck Broken Earth didn’t even get nominated. And it makes sense, the idea of the series award was, at least in part, to call attention to series that didn’t have individual books strong enough to win the Hugo. Obviously, that was not the case with Broken Earth.
Oh the hold list already for best novella and just started [book one of the series for] the best novel at my local library…and it turns out I have best Graphic Story sitting in my pile of library books at home.
Seems I’ve got some reading to do.
Well done Hugo winners!
The Broken Earth books were the only ones that ever made 2nd person Point of View work for me as a reader.
@3, RobM, but the rules of the Series award is a new work must have been added to the series in the year of eligibly. Since the Sharing Knife is finished, it can’t get a nod. While I love Bujold, the Sharing Knife is not for me. It has a cool magic system, but the rest of the story bugs me.
So, it’s open season on who will win the next Series Award. :-D
All around, a pretty good year. (1943 wasn’t bad, either) Only a couple of my actual first choices won, but there was nothing to argue with.
@6 I wonder if next year might be October Daye’s year for Best Series. InCryptid came in second according to the stats published by @2 (thanks for your hard work!), and I think October Daye is by far the stronger of the two. With two volumes published since its last nomination it would be very strange if it didn’t make the cut on rules grounds again. With Bujold out of the picture for the foreseeable future, it may open up the category.
I do hope that Jemisin’s declining the nomination doesn’t set a precedent for turning Best Series into a lesser category than Best Novel. I do think that the genre needs an award for a work in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, as opposed to a backup award for “good, but not good enough for Best Novel”. I’d hate to end up with a situation like the Oscars, where the existence of Best Animated Film seems to be making it artificially difficult to nominate an animated film for Best Picture.
@8 I found it interesting that InCryptid placed second this year while October Daye placed sixth last year. (I agree with you that the latter is the stronger series.) I suspect this may reflect the difference in electorates between a California WorldCon and a Finnish one, and to the extent that it does (the strength of the rest of the field being the most obvious other factor) I also suspect next year’s Irish WorldCon’s membership will be closer to the latter than the former. But who knows really.
@6 – Well, Ms. B could fix that defect by writing another work in the SK world. Dr. Dag, Medicine Man anyone?